Friday, October 23, 2009

Reading for Week # 9

1)W3schools HTML Tutorial:
2)HTML Cheatsheet

- These WebPages are about how to use and learn the HTML Language
- They teach the basics element of how to write HTML code.
- HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
- And it is not considered a programmer language.
- It is a markup language which is a markup tags.
- The main purpose of the Web browsers is to read the HTML language. For example , Explorer and Firefox are the web browsers that read HTML language without showing the HTML tags

3)W3 School Cascading Style Sheet Tutorial:

- CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
- The purpose of CSS is to describe the element of HTML ‘
- And it defines how HTML displays
- There are more than one CSS. For example, there are CSS Background, CSS Text , CSS Font, CSS Border, CSS Outline, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, CSS List, CSS Table, CSS Dimension and CSS Display.
- So as you see here there are different CSS to set and describe the element for the HTML

4)Goans, D., Leach, G., & Vogel, T. M. (2006). Beyond HTML: Developing and re-imagining library web guides in a content management system. Library Hi Tech, 24(1), 29-53.

“The web guides were extremely diverse on a visual level. Each librarian, as well as the Student assistants and support staff who also worked on the pages, used different fonts, colors
And layout designs. Navigation was hampered by the lack of agreed-upon guidelines for content arrangement and labeling. While some librarians utilized their previous experience with
FrontPage or other web editing programs, others had never created a single web page. The lack
of any training system to address these differing web page and site-building skills among the
Librarians were also a factor affecting the quality and consistency of the guides.”

This paper shows how the web development librarian and the web programmer work together to find new system that can set policies and guidelines in place to help the fifteen liaison librarians.

1 comment:

Miss Sara Cantor said...

Do you think the readings this week would be a good start for beginners using HTML? Have you ever used HTML to design a web page?