Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Assigment # 1

Notes on required readings for week #1

1) OCLC report: Information Format Trends: Content, Not Containers (2004).

This report shows that traditional publishing (scholarly and popular) is slowing down, and E-book have entered the adoption phase and this affect the traditional print more. The major trends in the content space are not just technological changes but also social changes. So library and librarians must work hard and try to find new ways to let people come back to library. Paying attention on how content is created, found and used let libraries solve some of their problem. We can use ourselves as an example, we use blogs for this class to write our thoughts and reviews on the articles an report wikis and blogs become more popular and the individual becomes the center of social publishing not institution. Librarians and libraries could use blogs and wikis to reach out their communities

2)Clifford Lynch, “Information Literacy and Information Technology Literacy: New Components in the Curriculum for a Digital Culture”

This Paper talks about two main forms of literacy, Information technology literacy and Information literacy, and how both forms of literacy are distinct but inter-related. I agree with Clifford lynch when he mentioned in his paper that we need to understand not only the two forms of the literacy but we need to understand how each form works with technology , history, economic, social and public policy issues. So because of that, librarians do not have to know just about information literacy but they must know about technology, people, information resources, infrastructure and how different systems can connect people with resources.

3)Vaughan, J. (2005). Lied Library @ four years: technology never stands still. Library Hi Tech, 23(1), 34-49. At

I think this is a very good paper to read and study, because it shows real experiences from other library (lied library) and how this library dealt with information technology maintenance, enhancement and future development. For instance, the paper shows how major research library faces challenges with maintaining and enhancing new and existing technology and system. Because of the technology is growing rapidly, the lied library in 2003 replaced over 600 unites and removed all the existing PC's to meet their user needs .To reduce the huge expenses, library have all major systems under support. Moreover, the lied library main goal is to meet user needs and expectations. Because of that the library has done several things to maximize the finite resource. The library only let students to check out laptops, and setup a system for student to register their personal laptops. In addition, the lied library provides a good service for a student by putting restrictions for community users. I think all academic libraries must adopt these kinds of policies to make things easy for their students.

Muddiest point for lecture #1

I know information technology is important and helpful to library. but do librarians must know about every specific things in technology to be a good librarian?


Sara Cantor said...

I think it's a great idea for librarians and libraries to use blogs and wikis to reach out to their communities. Do you think the librarian would have to conduct an introductory workshop to familiarize teachers, students, and the community on how to use these powerful tools?

Jon Webster said...

Do you think that limiting the amount of time that people can spend on library computers is could backfire? People will often use them as they cannot afford to have a personal one. Are we risking alienating those people?